
Feel Better to Live Better!

Massage can help you feel better. Treating yourself will isn't a luxury anymore. Studies show that regular massage can relieve low back pain, insomnia, anxiety, and a host of other symptoms - including "tech neck"!

We now can offer POST-OP MLD (manual lymphatic drainage) treatment as part of your session, if indicated and approved by your surgeon/physician. Be sure to ask your health care provider and review your post-op care plan first.

Expectant parents, office workers, those with chronic conditions, people with physically demanding jobs, and retired folks are accommodated. We travel to you and work with your schedule.

Some of our clients include:

  • Big Four college sports teams
  • Corporate wellness programs
  • Colleges and universities
  • Assisted living and "55+" communities
  • Elementary school PTAs
  • Not-for-profit social service and support programs

If you're interested in learning how massage can help you, your staff, or your community, give us a call today!

For a change of pace, try the Caring Professional Approach.

We offer a welcoming, affirming, safe space for all folks

All ages, genders/gender expressions, and body types are respected and honored